I'm very surprised at how well behaved our girls are! For the most part they only fuss when they're hungry.. I'm starting to wonder if this is because there's so many hands to hold them though.. time will tell I guess. ;) Daddy and Ethan come to visit us, and I'm RELIEVED. I've been so homesick, especially with the holidays being here. This was my first Xmas NOT being able to go home. Luke's too. At least we get a little taste of home with family visiting. (And I know how much this just makes Luke wish his family could come up too.)
Kara with Santa
A very upset Kate with Santa. :P
Who's pout do you think that girl has? Haha
The best Christmas presents we could have ever asked for.
A still very swollen me with my favorite presents ever. ;)
Sleep deprieved? What do you think with two newborns at home? Lol
Kate has to stay on her UV blanket for several days after we come home. I went out and bought some preemie clothes. Their newborns were HUGE on them, as you can see. And the sleepers were insanely big. Their legs didn't even go down to where the legs are supposed to go.
We took advantage of Grandpa and Uncle Ethan being here, and they let us go out to the mall for a few hours by ourselves. It was so nice. To this day, that was the only time we were both able to go out by ourselves. When we came back, we took a few family pics.
We get word that Kate gets to come off the UV blanket! Yay, because that thing is a pain in the butt! Daddy and Ethan have to leave the next day. :( We're all very sad to see them go, but the girls seemed especially upset about it.
We got word later that evening that Luke's best friends father had passed away. We immediately started making plans to make the drive over to Auburn, WA. There was no doubt in my mind that we had to be there for his mom, especially since Thomas wasn't able to be there. My heart was so heavy for this family who had already been through so much. We love them, and we'd make that eight hour drive with our one week old girls again in a heartbeat. I was so thankful that the girls are good travelers, and aside from one major meltdown during a snowstorm (in which we couldn't pull over to make their bottles) we didn't have any complications. We ended up driving back on New Years Eve, and rung in the new year on the road. We made it back just in time for the girls newborn pictures the following day.
It was quite the experience. About three hours in all, but we finally got some good shots. :)
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